Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Vacation Bible School

7/28/2014 – 8/1/2014
9:00AM – 12:00PM

Richardson Hall

Vacation Bible School
Stacey Wood will be leading VBS again this year. Please mark your calendars for July 28 - August 1, from 9 am
to 12 noon, for WEIRD ANIMALS — Where Jesus’ Love is one-of-a Kind! VBS is open to children from rising
pre-schoolers to children preparing to enter sixth grade.
 We are looking for older youth and adult volunteers to help. A sign-up sheet will be placed in the Parish House
for enrollment, so stay tuned for that. If you have any questions about volunteering or registration, please
contact Stacey Wood at 804-932-9516 or e-mail her at stacey@woodsbodyshop.com.